Saturday, December 4, 2010

Insert Title Here.

Have you ever titled something before it was fully written? Or tried to fully develop an introduction to something that has yet to be completed?

I sometimes find it odd that we have been taught to be able to title something before we have even fully understood what it is that we have as a whole.

At the tender age of 20 {soon to be 21} I feel as though the rest of my life is dependent on every single choice I make. Maybe not menial, daily decisions {ie: Do I order this third coffee?} But as each day speeds past, I feel as though there is this immeasurable weight pressing down on my shoulders, tapping on my cheek saying : "when are you going to make things happen?"

. . .

I once read somewhere:
"Some of the most fascinating 40 year olds I know still don't know what they want to be when they grow up."
It isn't so much that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

I know who I want to be.

Some days I need convincing that those two things will always be intrinsically tied together. But I am still trying to figure so much of it out.

I find a lot of the figuring for me comes from pianos, guitars, drums, basses, violins, strings and voices. I'm off to another show.

Peas, Luhv & figuring out,


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