Saturday, October 23, 2010

Excuse me miss. Your eyes are leaking.

In a previous thought. Which I deemed important to enough to extract from my brain and write down. I wrote that emotions were in fact just that. Motion. Meant to move you.

In our society, we label anyone who allows liquid to spill from their eyes as weak. We associate them as less than who they should be. Simply because they have tears falling down their cheeks.

What a twisted mentality.

So how can we call it a moment of weakness when something affects us so strongly, that our body - a wondrous, fascinating creation; spills that emotion from our eyes.

We walk, jog or run to a location that is isolated from any other prying eyes to ensure that this moment is hidden from anyone else. Maybe we do this because in society, crying publicly certainly deviates from the normal concept of behavior. Maybe we hide because we fear the inevitable question: "Is everything alright?" A rhetorical question of sorts.

Some people would answer the first question with a false: "Yeah, I'm fine." A response that would seemingly release the person who posed the question from any self-imposed responsibility of caring. In my experience, normally if someone is feeling an emotion strongly enough that their body can't contain that feeling anymore, they normally need to release something more than just tears.

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