How are you doing?
I often wonder how such a loaded question became a meaningless greeting. One which only gains value when asked with the preface; "no, but really..."
An acquaintance of mine once told me about a social experiment he conducted - when asked the question "how are you doing?" he would honestly and truthfully reply. Whether he was having the best of days or the worst. Either way, he was going to be honest and truthfull.
This sparked me into thinking about how so many of our interactions have become devalued. Our words lack meaning. A conversation between two people can become just a matter of going through the motions. Why put so much effort into it when you can find out how that person is by typing their name into a search bar.
Conversation leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to understanding. Understanding is what we crave.
I will, from this point forward, ask "how are you doing" with the most sincerity.
Peas & Luhv,